Some people take vacations to relax. When I travel, I have to see as many sights as possible in a day. I crave museums and ruins and jungles and beaches and cafes and restaurants and parliaments and cathedrals all in a single rush, from morning to night in constant motion, taxis and buses and trains and...
Likewise, some people enjoy days when they have no plans, nothing to do. They do nothing, don't go anywhere, and they are happy. If I were one of those people, today would have been incredible.
My next recording engagement begins Sunday and today and tomorrow are I guess what you could call days off. I woke up late, and felt guilty for no particular reason. I made coffee. I practiced my vocals, guitar and piano for the upcoming session. I checked my email. I practiced again, with a click track. I made plans for tonight. I lost several hours somewhere on the internet, from which I recall very little. I tried the guitar song on the piano. I read my own blog. I drank more coffee. I checked my email, again. I had lunch. I started a woodcut and decided minutes into it that I should wait for more inspiration. I checked my email, again. I got lost on the internet, again. I tried to work on a new song and decided after minutes to wait for more inspiration. I remembered an email I'd been meaning to write...
It happens, but I'm getting the hell out of here as soon as this is posted, and making some plans for tomorrow.