Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I've received the kindest notes in the last few months. Among the words of encouragement to keep going to work each day to write and record and play songs with some meaning to them, I've been sort of astonished to read depictions of people connecting to my music in difficult times, and maybe more surprised to hear about people enjoying it in the happiest times. Thank you for covering my songs in your bedroom, for putting my sappiest tracks on repeat when you're driving at night, and for telling me - because that's how music gets me, and otherwise I wouldn't have known.

People always say that you have to create just for yourself. I write because a feeling is itching to be expressed, but I can't help but think of you while I'm at it. The moment I first sing a cool melody, or write a line that finally gets to the point I've been trying to make, I think of you. I get so excited to share it. Songs are there to connect with and I'm happy to hear you're making use of them.

You can't ever please everyone and you probably shouldn't be concerned with making a million bucks, but in my experience, genuine words breed genuine response. I'm going to do all I can to keep it that way.